abril 04, 2007


A Bible Devotion

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Freely Give Us All Things?

ROMANS 8:32 NKJ 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
Most people approach prayer as an exercise in convincing God to help. They think they must twist God's arm, or promise to do something, in order to get God to give them anything.

The New Testament paints a different picture. God not only is a willing giver, but has already given! He is not holding back on us!
When He gave us Jesus, along with Him He gave us everything we could ever need.
"Why then," you may ask, "do I not have what I need?"
Friend, there is a great difference between something being given and something being received.

Many people have been unaware recipients of great good, but until they became aware of it and took the necessary steps to properly receive their bounty, it did them no good.
You can be entitled to some inheritance, or other windfall, without knowing it. You can even know it, but without following the proper procedure, not possess and enjoy it.
So it is with the things of God. Proper procedure must be followed. There are instructions on how to receive. But the instructions are clear and easy to follow. You will find them in the New Testament.
17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
God gives us richly all things to enjoy!
Don't judge God's generosity by what you have, or have not, received. Find out the instructions from the Bible, and receive all that God has provided for you.
SAY THIS: God freely gave me all things in Christ. Now I will learn to be a receiver of God's blessings.




DIA 04

“Entonces el Sumo sacerdote, levantándose en medio, preguntó a Jesús, diciendo: ¿No respondes nada? ¿Qué testifican estos contra ti? Pero él callaba y nada respondía. El Sumo sacerdote le volvió a preguntar: ¿Eres tú el Cristo, el Hijo del bendito? (Marcos 14: 60-61)
Sarcástica, viene de sarcasmo, una burla sangrienta, ironía mordaz y cruel con que se ofende o maltrata a personas. Ahora tenemos un Sumo sacerdote sarcástico, ansioso y perverso. Un Sumo sacerdote tenía influencia religiosa y política, Caifás uso la religión y el poder que tuvo para acusar a Jesús ante el concilio. Se valió del complot, de testigos falsos y el sarcasmo para proponer la pena de muerte al Señor Jesucristo. Es interesante notar que el Señor Jesucristo guardó silencio. Esto lo desconcertó e impacientó a Caifás, que uso la burla, ¿Eres tú el Cristo?. Y la insistencia para ver culminada su obra perversa con el testimonio de que el Señor era el Hijo de Dios. Esto hizo que cayera el telón en contra de Cristo. La realidad era que el Señor supo enfrentarse a un concilio de cobardes; que abusaron del poder para enjuiciar a un inocente. Hoy hay líderes religiosos que colocan maquillaje a sus actos perversos en contra de aquellos que testifican de Jesús. En este día debemos enseñar que los líderes no abusen del poder; que la religión no es para destruir al débil, ni sembrar odio entre hermanos. Aprendamos del Señor Jesucristo; quien supo guardar silencio ante sus detractores, y no tuvo miedo. Igual nosotros sepamos ser prudentes y valientes ante la adversidad. Comparta a otros, este mensaje, ore e invierta en nosotros para cambiar vidas en el poder de Cristo.
¿Tengo dominio propio y no me burlo de los demás?. ¿Sé guardar silencio en el momento oportuno?