junio 28, 2007


A Bible Devotion

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Deceitfulness of Riches


22 The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful.
How are riches deceitful? (The word really means a delusion.)
Riches promise more than they can deliver. They promise security, happiness, and satisfaction in life, but fail to deliver.
Does this mean God is against wealth? No! He just doesn't want you to be deceived by it. Or, to trust in it. For it will surely disappoint you. 1 TIMOTHY 6:17 NKJ
17 Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy.
According to Jesus, life does not consist of the abundance of one's possessions. You should believe Him. He knows.
15 And He said to them, "Beware, and be on your guard against every form of greed; for not {even} when one has an abundance does his life consist of his possessions."
Watch out! Don't let money deceive you.
Having wealth -- a bunch of stuff -- will not give you a satisfying, fulfilling life. It promises to. But it can't deliver.
Things will not make you happy -- not for long. It's your inward attitude, and doing God's will, that determines whether you will enjoy happiness in life.
If having more money was the answer, why do rich people commit suicide?
Money promises security, but can never quite attain it. In contrast, God delivers security -- for eternity.
5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Money can leave you and forsake you, even when you need it most. But God will never abandon you.
Riches will let you down. God never will.
SAY THIS: Thank you Lord for opening my eyes to the deceitfulness of riches.




DIA 28

“Yo he escrito a la iglesia; pero Diótrefes, al cual le gusta tener el primer lugar entre ellos, no nos recibe”. (3 Juan 9)
Hay quienes hacen las cosas para lucirse y por vanagloria. Esas personas buscan ser primeros, y no les importa pisar y humillar a otros. Aquí tenemos a un tal Diótrefes, egoísta y líder caprichoso que siempre quería sobresalir.
Una vez más el Apóstol Juan escribe esta carta, en Efeso por el año 92 DC para instruir acerca del Ministerio de los Maestros itinerantes del Evangelio. Estimula la hospitalidad y recrimina la mala actitud de Diótrefes.
Por un lado tenemos a Gayo un líder y hermano en la fe, bueno, hospitalario, servicial; versus un líder egoísta, codicioso del primer lugar, grosero, prepotente que expulsaba a toda persona en contra de su mala actitud.
Hay líderes políticos, deportivos, educadores y religiosos; que marginan, expulsan y tienen como lema “el fin justifica los medios”; y son ellos los dueños de los medios de comunicación e imponen su filosofía; en el mundo cristiano, no debe ser así.
Nuestro Ministerio no es perfecto, pero nos tratamos con respeto, pero hay líderes eclesiales que maltratan a sus subalternos, usan el púlpito para sermonear y no motivar a los hermanos. Otros sobresalen y sirven por dinero. Ay de aquellos que dicen ser cristianos, pero maltratan a su cónyuge, y colocan sus intereses personales, antes que servir al prójimo, y no son justos con sus compañeros, ni con sus colegas.
El Señor evaluará nuestras obras, si lo hicimos por amor y con sana motivación. La solución es servir a Dios y al prójimo con amor y equidad Ore para que seamos serviciales y edifiquemos en el poder de Cristo.
Padre líbrame de la codicia y el egoísmo para ser solidario...