junio 26, 2007


A Bible Devotion

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Plead The Blood

Pleading the Blood of Jesus is not begging -- but a legal term.
10 . . . the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down.
11 "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.
The devil is our accuser. The only successful plea is the Blood of Jesus. Pleading our ignorance, our innocence, or our merits will fail. Only relying on the Blood of our substitute sacrifice, the Lamb of God, will win our case before God the Judge.
When we pray, we should base our prayer on the Blood of Jesus -- the price paid for our needs to be met -- instead of on our need or our worthiness.
When we resist the devil, we cannot resist him based on who we are or what we have done, but only on the price paid for our complete redemption -- the precious Blood of Jesus.
Faith in Jesus' Blood, released in testimony against the devil, will always cause him to flee. We must resist him, steadfast in faith, for as long as it takes.
Our enemy can always be overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. We have victory over every evil because of Jesus' shed Blood.
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,
We must SAY we are redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb. Here are some example statements you could use in pleading the Blood.
In the Name of Jesus, I plead the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ against this problem.
I cover my home with the Blood of Jesus to protect all occupants and possessions from all evil.
Especially in times of violence we need to cry out for the protection of the Blood for all our household. Parents can put the Blood on their "door" -- taking in all that pertains to them -- and claim salvation and protection for their entire family. The Blood is the one thing that will keep your family safe in these perilous days.
When we awaken in the morning we should call for the Blood to be upon us and all that belongs to us. Before we sleep we should, in the same way, call for the protection of the Blood.
SAY THIS: I plead the Blood of Jesus over all my household and all our possessions.



DIA 26

“En el amor no hay temor, sino que el perfecto amor echa fuera el temor, porque el temor lleva en sí castigo. De donde el que teme, no ha sido perfeccionado en el amor” (1 Juan 4:18)
No hay actitud más linda que amar y ser amado. Es maravilloso ver una estrella, una flor, y juntos mirarse a los ojos; ese amor de pareja, es temporal, bueno; pero el amor de Dios, es sublime y es permanente, nunca muere y vence el miedo.
“En el amor no hay temor”, ¿Qué es el temor? Hoy el mundo teme al terrorismo, a la guerra, a la muerte, vivimos en zozobras y en constante timidez, no nos atrevemos a opinar, a decirle a la gente que hay paz en Jesucristo ¿Por qué? Por falta de amor.
“El temor lleva en sí castigo”, lleva la lacra de la cobardía, el que hace daño se esconde, y no da la cara. La timidez, es un miedo que impide manifestar cariño escondido.
¿Qué debe hacer para vencer el miedo? Primero, reconocer que es pecado, que ofende a Dios, por falta de confianza en él; segundo, rinda su voluntad al Señor para que Él, llene de amor su vida; tercero ame, interese en otros, ayude, visite, escriba.
Venza la timidez, amando, sirviendo, teniendo amigos. Amando a Dios, a sus familiares y compañeros. Además, es importante tener fe y vencer el miedo. Hable en público. Testifique que Cristo vino en cuerpo y resucitó.
Hemos vencido al maligno en Cristo, esto no es para descuidarse, sino para ir al mundo y proclamar esperanza en el Señor.
Es vital que usted nos ayude orando para edificar su vida en Cristo.
Padre perdona mi temor y guíame a ser amoroso con quienes vivo y me rodeo, que pueda servirles. Tengo fe en ti...