junio 18, 2007


Monday, June 18, 2007

Do You Want To Be Happy?

What are you waiting for?

Most people are waiting for something -- something "special" that will make their life great, so they can be happy.
Ask yourself: have others had this, and are they all happy? No, they're not, and it won't give you lasting happiness, either.
Happiness is not determined by external circumstances, but by internal circumstances.
Everyone chooses how happy they are by what they choose to think about.
Your attitude is determined by your perspective, which is determined by what you think about -- your focus. You choose your focus, so ultimately, you are the one who chooses whether to be happy, or not.
Perspective is what the Beatitudes (Matthew 5) are about. Seeing a bigger picture than just this one small moment of time. (The Beatitudes are where Jesus explained how some are blessed, or happy -- even in difficult situations.)
(The word we translate as "happy" in the New Testament is usually translated as "blessed.")
You won't get happiness by chasing what the world has to offer. It has already been tried and found wanting.
And, you will never be happy as long as you are self-centered. A focus on self is guaranteed to prevent happiness.
Right after Jesus performed the menial task of washing his disciple's feet -- akin to cleaning toilets today -- He told them:
JOHN 13:15,17 ICB
15 I did this as an example for you. So you should do as I have done for you.
17 If you know these things, you will be happy if you do them.
You will be happy if you help others. If you take your focus off yourself. That's what Jesus taught.
SAY THIS: I choose to focus on God and be thankful and happy.






DIA 18

“En realidad, sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios, ya que cualquiera que se acerca a Dios tiene que creer que él existe y que recompensa a quienes lo buscan” (Hebreos 11:6)
Es satisfactorio buscar a Dios en la naturaleza, y adorarlo por lo que Él es, y por lo ha hecho. Cuando uno busca a Dios con fe, no hay duda que se lo agrada, y Él se nos hace presente.
Hebreos 11, es la sala de los “Héroes de la fe” Ofrecieron vida como sacrificio a Dios, Abraham, salió sin saber a donde iba; Moisés, “Consideró que el oprobio por causa del Mesías era una mayor riqueza que los tesoros de Egipto”. “Anduvieron fugitivos de aquí para allá, cubiertos de pieles de oveja y de cabra, pasando necesidades, afligidos y maltratados”.
Dios disciplina a sus hijos para su propio bien, y hay una clara advertencia a los que rechazan a Dios. Hay exhortaciones para el cristiano para servir al prójimo; y para sujetarse a su Pastor y dirigente.
Así que, tenga fe, confianza que Dios escucha su oración y que se comunica con nosotros; excepto cuando pecamos, allí se rompe la comunión con Dios, y Él no nos escucha. Por eso, es vital andar en armonía con Él, y hacer lo que le agrada.
El capítulo 13 es un llamado a la ética cristiana, a hospedar a casarse honrando al Señor, a no dejarse llevar por doctrinas extrañas. Por esta razón le exhortamos a que ore y voluntariamente invierta en La Biblia Dice... para seguir edificando vidas en el poder de Cristo.
Hagamos historia, dejemos huellas de fe a nuestros descendientes.
Señor perdona nuestro pecado y ayúdanos a hacer tu voluntad. Tengo fe que tú escuchas y que tu obras para tu Gloria...