mayo 09, 2007


A Bible Devotion

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Jesus Became Poor . . .


9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.
Most people know that Jesus became poor. They just don't know why.
Some people may tell you this verse refers only to being made "spiritually rich." Don't fall for that. Look at the context and you will see it is discussing money.
"Then why aren't Christians rich?"
The main reason is because of a lack of teaching on this subject. Everything we receive from God must be received by faith. If we don't believe it, we won't receive it.
(Jesus died so that everyone could be saved. However, until people hear the message and believe it, they continue lost in their sins. Yet the price has already been paid by Jesus for their freedom.)
Instead of teaching that prosperity is a blessing available to believers, most churches have taught the opposite -- that it was the will of God for us to be poor.
What we need is to hear preaching and teaching about it being God's will for us to prosper. We need to continue in the Word on that subject, to be set free in that area of life.
I am NOT saying being prosperous makes you a better person, or that it is a sign of great faith. I AM saying that poverty and lack is part of the curse -- which Jesus redeemed us from.
God's prosperity is a growing thing that will not destroy you, unlike winning the lottery, or other get-rich-quick schemes. Time and continued obedience to God are required.
But the fact remains, according to Scripture, Jesus became poor to set you free from poverty -- to make you rich.
SAY THIS: Jesus became poor to make me rich.



DIA 09

“Porque desde la creación del mundo las cualidades invisibles de Dios, es decir, su eterno poder y su naturaleza divina, se perciben claramente a través de lo que él creó, de modo que nadie tiene excusa” (Romanos 1:20)
La clásica pregunta ¿Qué pasa con aquellas personas que no oyeron el mensaje del Evangelio? La respuesta es obvia, ellos pudieron ver el sol, la naturaleza; y así Dios les testificó de su poder, serán juzgados, cada cual de acuerdo a la luz de la revelación de Dios que recibieron.
El libro de Romanos escrito por Pablo, alrededor del año 55-60 DC, es un tratado teológico, escribe según Guthrie, para “dejar sentada su verdadera intención de visitar a los cristianos de Roma”.
El Apóstol de los gentiles, habla del poder del Evangelio, que “el justo por la fe vivirá” y de la ira de Dios contra el pecado. Que Dios juzga, con o sin ley; que la circuncisión está en el corazón.
Dios se revela o da a conocer por medio de su Palabra y el Señor Jesús, también se lo puede conocer por la revelación de la naturaleza, es decir que “su eterno poder y su naturaleza divina, se perciben claramente a través de lo que él creó” así ninguna persona tiene excusa.
Quien adora a una criatura, o una cosa y pervierte su conducta, Dios lo abandona a su “suerte”, y a pasiones vergonzosas. Por eso, es mejor buscar el perdón de Dios, adorarlo y obedecerlo. Tenemos la revelación de Dios en la naturaleza y en la sexualidad sana, por eso, busque adorar y servir solamente al Señor para una misión divina que obedece la Biblia Para seguir edificando vidas es clave su oración.
Señor te adoró solamente a ti, líbrame de perversión sexual.