junio 30, 2007


A Bible Devotion

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Your Hairs Are Numbered


7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Have you ever wondered how God has time to keep count of how many hairs you have today?
God probably built a program into your brain that tracks your total hair count, which He can quickly scan without having to spend much time on your hair. (Your life might also be better if you spent less time on your hair. ;-)
(Or, maybe He assigns each of us a hair angel to do the job.)
The point is not that God spends all His time counting hairs, but that there is nothing about you God is not fully aware of at all times.
If your hair count is important enough for God to monitor -- however He does it -- surely He monitors everything else that concerns you, also.
Think of that! God is aware of the smallest detail of everything in life that affects you. It matters to Him.
You are His child. Every detail of your life concerns God.
Knowing that, Jesus said, "Don't be afraid."
SAY THIS: God keeps current on every detail of my life.




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